Yuma Sun

Thoughts on checkout lanes, TV and sports


I use the self-checkout lane quite often, but not for convenienc­e. To be honest, I find the activity annoying. In response to the Yuma Sun editorial of April 7th, I avail myself of this retail DIY almost solely to challenge my mind. You see, each store’s self-checkout technology has its own unique quirks, providing a subtle, but refreshing exercise for my brain. By the way, that’s the same reason I write these letters to the editor. Fortunatel­y, I don’t find writing annoying at all. My readers probably wish I did.

Question…what became of the practice of basketball players raising their hands after committing a foul? I know this hasn’t been common for many years, and I’m sure the answer is readily available on Google or through a brief visit with any hoops coach. There’s likely a rational reason. I might even agree with it. Still, owning up to one’s mistakes, even small ones, is healthy. We need more of that in today’s world.

I’m on the DL for running (Tendinosis), so I’m watching more TV than usual…at the fitness center. There’s a honeycomb of weights and cardio devices at these workout havens, but there’s also a plethora of TVS that challenge what any sports bar offers. I spend all my time doing cardio, which is why I’m a skinny guy, not Dwayne Johnson. Anyway, this is how I became hooked on old reruns of “Young Sheldon”, the prequel to the “Big Bang Theory”. I’m not “plugged in” while working out, but I do read the subtitles. It’s clear Young Sheldon derives much of its charm from Texas stereotype­s, but I’m not at all clear about Meemaw. I like to shuttle between the exercycles, elliptical­s and stair climbers (Treadmills and Tendinosis don’t mix well), so I often find myself in front of the ESPN monitor. That’s great, as I’m a sports buff. Sometimes, though, I’m situated in front of Fox or CNN and might encounter Newt Gingrich or James Carville. Those old reruns I can do without. MEL PARKER Yuma

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