Yuma Sun

Household pets failing hard on one actual duty

The cats don’t have to do much … just take out those pesky ies!


As I write this, there’s a fly circulatin­g around my dining room. He’s been here for a few days, and at this point, he appears to have made himself at home. He’s a fast little thing, bouncing off the window, buzzing my head like I’m a flight tower, and just being a general flying nuisance.

Normally, our house cats would be all over this invasion, but they seem to have already succumbed to a warm-weather apathy. Despite the fly ricochetin­g off of them more than once, they can’t be bothered from their naptime. All three cats are asleep under the dining room window, and that fly is just buzzing around, raising a ruckus. Cats? Nada. One opened an eye, looked at the fly, and promptly went back to sleep in a snuggle puddle of her sisters.

Really cats? I don’t expect you to do much, but catching flies is part of earning your keep around here!

I debated naming the fly – Frank? Fred? Filibert? – but then, once I name him, I generally find myself opposed to killing him. It’s a weird quirk – but if I name an insect, odds are, I’m going to find a way to release him back in the wild rather than smashing him with a rolled-up newspaper.

And readers, let me tell you. There is NO shortage of potential fly-killing newspapers in this house!

The newspapers are generally underutili­zed. Those cats tend to make short work of any sort of insect that enters my home. I try to save any spiders before they become cat toys. Spiders do a lot of good on the whole environmen­tal side of life, and it seems a shame to leave them in the paws of the cats.

But frankly, it’s been awhile since we’ve had anything scurrying around here. A three-cat household tends to eliminate most pests.

Except for this dang fly. There he goes again, buzzing in front of my computer, living his best fly life.

I guess the cats are fired – can someone pass me a newspaper?!


Twitter: @Ysroxmolen­ar


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