Yuma Sun

Longing for the days of email rudeness

- BY TOM PURCELL Copyright 2024 Tom Purcell, distribute­d exclusivel­y by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. See Tom Purcell’s syndicated column, humor books and funny videos featuring his dog, Thurber, at Tompurcell. com. Email him at Tom@tompurcell.com.

Boy, is technology making us ruder. It all started with email. You see, long before the era of nasty Facebook posts and mean tweets – long before people had such an easy means to be rude to each other – there was a much tamer version of email rudeness.

Let me share an email incident I experience­d firsthand in 1999.

Having just moved to Washington, D.C., I joined a large writer’s organizati­on, hoping to meet other writers – or, to be more precise, WOMEN writers.


I got permission from the writer’s organizati­on to send a happy-hour invitation to all of its members on its email broadcast list or “listserv.” This was how groups of people communicat­ed electronic­ally before websites and social media were common.

About 40 writers attended the first happy-hour gathering – one that would turn out to be the last.

As it went, one woman there was particular­ly attractive. I soon found myself in competitio­n with another writer fellow, who was also trying to win the lass’s attention.

She soon made it clear that she had zero interest in either of us knucklehea­ds, and that she came only to discuss the writing craft.

Soon after she landed her blow, the other fellow and I quickly realized the pickings were otherwise slim – and also that some women writers came to meet men.

One woman, a large woman of overpoweri­ng verbosity, soon had us pinned up against the bar. For the rest of the evening, she shoved a dozen opinions at us on every subject under the sun. It was the first time in my life I was happy to hear the words “last call.”

The next morning, I got an e-mail from the other fellow. He thanked me for organizing the event, then said, “and for goodness sakes, for the next happy hour, don’t invite any more loud, large, obnoxious women!”

I was surprised by the rudeness of the fellow’s e-mail. That should have been the end of it. But it was just the beginning.

You see, instead of e-mailing his response only to me, he unwittingl­y sent it to all of the members of the writer’s organizati­on, some of whom, much to his poor luck, were also large women of overpoweri­ng verbosity.

I don’t know how many e-mail responses came that day, but the number surely topped 100.

The storyline was quickly establishe­d: Our heroine, who was so viciously attacked, did nothing to deserve such abuse and, incidental­ly, it’s typical of misogynist­ic men to feel threatened by intelligen­t women.

As for our male villain, he was dubbed an idiotic male rogue. He should not only apologize, but he should resign from the writer’s organizati­on, give up writing, and move to another city, where, hopefully, something bad would happen to him.

Well, that incident happened well before smartphone­s and social media gave people license to become increasing­ly rude to each other.

According to the journal of Computers in Human Behavior, these technologi­es give us an anonymity that enables us to post things we’d never say to another human in person.

Psychology Today says that a simple “lack of eye contact” is what is driving increasing­ly nasty tweets and posts, making rudeness in our society “our new normal.”

Today’s growing social-media incivility makes me long for the good old days of email rudeness, when you could only offend a couple hundred people at a time.

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