Yuma Sun

Mail carriers make it easy to help nonpro ts

Simply leave non-perishable food donations by mailbox Saturday, and carriers will hand the rest!


Readers, we are entering our summer months, which present a variety of challenges, particular­ly for our nonprofit agencies.

But there’s an easy way we can help this month – and we don’t have to go any further than our mailbox to do so.

Saturday, May 11th, is the National Associatio­n of Letter Carriers’ (NALC) Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive.

This nationwide food drive launched in 1993, and according to the NALC, is now the nation’s largest one-day food drive.

According to the US Postal Service, the drive has delivered more than 1.82 billion pounds of food across the country in the past 30 years, which the USPS in turn delivers to agencies in need.

Readers, this is something that is amazingly easy to support.

Go through your cabinets, and select some non-perishable food to donate. Put the food in a bag, and leave it by your mailbox before your mail carrier arrives on Saturday.

The carriers will take it from there.

According to a press release from the USPS, the food collected will be delivered to local community churches, food banks and food pantries for distributi­on.

In Yuma, donations will benefit Crossroads Mission, and in the Foothills, donations will benefit the Yuma Community Food Bank. Either way, it’s a win-win!

Items that are needed include canned meats (think tuna, chicken or salmon), canned or dried beans, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, whole grain, low-sugar cereals, macaroni and cheese and 100% fruit juices.

There are a few things the mail carriers cannot accept, which includes rusty or unlabeled cans, glass containers, perishable items, homemade items, expired items, noncommerc­ial canned or packaged items, alcoholic beverages or mixes or soda, or open/ used items.

And remember – every bite of food matters, especially in Yuma County.

The U.S. Postal Service is making it easy to help today. If you can, leave a bag of food by your mailbox, and let your mail carrier do the rest.

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