Viet Nam News

Work remains for peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea

- Chris Stein

ADDIS ABABA — A two-decade war was declared over this week in an emotional reunion between Ethiopia and Eritrea, but analysts warn many hurdles remain to repair years of bitter relations despite the dizzying peace process.

The Horn of Africa nations cut ties after the outbreak of a 19982000 border war that killed 80,000 people and degenerate­d into a diplomatic stalemate after Ethiopia refused to cede land to Eritrea in violation of a United Nations ruling.

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, 41, reversed that policy last month, paving the way for a historic meeting with Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki, 71 which ended in a declaratio­n on Monday that the “state of war ... has come to an end”.

The two nations have restored telephone communicat­ions for the first time in two decades and Ethiopian Airlines is set to begin passenger flights between the two capitals as early as next week.

But despite the diplomatic bonhomie, negotiatin­g access to Eritrean ports for Ethiopian goods, demarcatin­g the contentiou­s border region and ensuring good relations will not be simple, analysts say.

“Certainly, we need to proceed with some caution. I think there is a long way to go, but ultimately everybody wants lasting peace in the region,” Horn of Africa researcher with Chatham House Ahmed Soliman said.

Ethiopian dissent

Eritrea was once part of Ethiopia and comprised its entire coastline on the Red Sea until it voted for independen­ce in 1993 after decades of bloody conflict.

This move rendered Ethiopia landlocked, and the deteriorat­ion of relations after the outbreak of the war in 1998 forced Ethiopia to channel its sea trade through Djibouti. as “a man in an extreme hurry” is already facing internal dissent over the rapprochem­ent, notably from the minority Tigrayan population who live along the border and face losing territory to Eritrea.

Soliman said leaders from the Tigray ethnic group were “notably absent” from the talks in Asmara and that “their inclusion will be critical to the implementa­tion of peace”.

Isaias, the only leader Eritrea has known since independen­ce, was a rival to Ethiopia’s former prime minister Meles Zenawi, a Tigrayan who presided over the war and the decision to ignore the 2002

Dan Connell, a researcher on Eritrea at Boston University, said Isaias sees Abiy – an ethnic Oromo – as a break from the Tigrayans, who have in the past been seen as the most powerful faction of the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolution­ary Democratic Front (EPRDF).

“I think this process will go all the way. It’s clearly in the interests of both countries,” Connell said.

‘Potential hurdles’

Photos from Abiy and Isaias’s first meeting in Eritrea’s capital Asmara on Sunday showed them sharing hugs, smiles and cups of coffee.

But Soliman warns the fine details of the rapprochem­ent will not be straightfo­rward.

“There are potential hurdles everywhere,” he said.

Eritrea and Ethiopia are both among Africa’s poorest nations. However Ethiopia has seen its economy grow by double-digits in recent years and is seeking wider options for importing and exporting its goods by eyeing ports in Somalia and Eritrea.

Meanwhile Eritrea, one of the world’s most isolated nations, has pursued policies that have hamstrung the economy by scaring off investors, including an indefinite military conscripti­on program the UN has likened to slavery.

Eritrea’s ports are a far cry from the ultra-modern facilities that have shot up in neighbouri­ng Djibouti, but Tronvoll said the country is still likely to make demands if Ethiopia wants to use its shores to export their goods.

“How much concession­s are they willing to give to Eritrea to create a sustainabl­e peace (and) what will be the reactions within Ethiopia to that?” Tronvoll asked.

Soliman said Isaias will face his own pressure to reform once the threat of Ethiopian aggression, which he has used to justify his repressive policies, is over.

Hundreds of thousands of Eritreans have fled the country in recent years to Europe, blaming the national service scheme they say keeps them impoverish­ed.

“If things were to open up in Eritrea in terms of the political situation and people’s freedoms, then I am sure that would encourage people to stay,” Soliman said.

But thus far most of the talk of reform has come from Abiy alone.

“Isaias hasn’t said very much. We haven’t learned too much from Isaias as to what is going to change,” Soliman said. — AFP

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