Viet Nam News

Haø Noäi selected to host SEA Games 31


HAØ NOIÄ — The Government has approved the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism’s proposal to hold the 31st Southeast Asian Games

(SEA Games 31) and the 11th ASEAN Para Games (Para Games 11) in Vietä Nam in 2021.

At a meeting in the capital yesterday, the Cabinet assigned Haø Noiä as the host city, after successful­ly holding the SEA Games 22 in 2003, the Asian Indoor Games in 2009 and several other internatio­nal sporting events.

The ministry’s proposal was made after the SEA Games Federation (SEAGF) informed Vietä Nam it would have the right to host the SEA Games 31.

The federation said Cambodia, scheduled to host SEA Games 31, proposed postponing hosting until the next Games in 2023 as it is not ready.

Concluding the meeting, Prime Minister Nguyenã Xuanâ Phucù lauded the determinat­ion of the culture, sports and tourism sector, as well as of Haø Noiä and relevant ministries and agencies.

Hosting the events is both the responsibi­lity and honour of Vietä Nam as a constructi­ve member of ASEAN, he said, adding it is also a chance to promote the Vietnamese land and people.

The leader asked Haø Noiä to complete infrastruc­ture, set forth a detailed plan on the organisati­on of the events and mobilise the participat­ion of different economic sectors in these efforts.

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