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Skateboard­ers hope medals change mindset in Japan


At the Tokyo park where skateboard­ing's first Olympic gold medallist, Yuto Horigome, learned to grind, ollie and kick-flip as a child, the sport is now banned.

It's just one example of Japan's strict attitude to skateboard­ing, which fans say they hope will change following Horigome's victory on Sunday.

The 22-year-old's top score in the street competitio­n at Tokyo 2020 sparked an ecstatic reaction in Japanese media and praise from Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who said his tricks had "enchanted the world."

But teenage skaters in Tokyo told AFP there are not enough skate parks to practise in, and they are often ordered to put their boards away.

After he landed three huge tricks in a row to beat American favourite Nyjah Huston, Horigome was asked about the Tokyo district where he grew up, not far from the Olympic skateboard­ing venue.

He singled out Ojima-komatsugaw­a Park, a green space with benches, steps and slopes, where a signboard now warns: "No skateboard­ing or riding of motorised vehicles."

Despite the ban, a lone 16-yearold turned up with his skateboard to celebrate Horigome's achievemen­t on Sunday.

"I came here to train, as the victory rekindled my motivation," the high-school student, Taiki Taniyama, said.

"I'm so proud of him... I know it's hard, but I want to skateboard like him in the future," he smiled.

'Supposedly dangerous'

The home boy's win made top news in Japan.

The Mainichi and Yomiuri dailies issued extra editions full of photos and stories about the triumphant return home for Horigome, who is now based in the United States.

"Congratula­tions for becoming the first gold medallist! You enchanted the world with a series of stunning tricks," Prime Minister Suga tweeted.

And the Nikkan Daily daily hailed "A major step for skateboard­ing with Horigome's gold."

But teenage skaters in Tokyo's western suburbs told a different story.

"Japan is quite strict when it comes to skateboard­ing," Yuma Nagase, 19, said outside Komazawa Skate Park. "It would be great if it could be more relaxed after this win."

The skate park is currently closed because of a virus state of emergency in the capital, which has also forced most Olympic events behind closed doors.

There "aren't enough" dedicated skate parks in Japan, Nagase said.

"For example, here, when we gather to have fun and skate, some

security person would randomly come and complain that we are too loud, and ask us to stop."

Deo Suzuki, also 19, said he hoped the victory would help Japan change its views on the sport.

"There are many places in Japan where skateboard­ing is banned, because it's supposedly dangerous. I hope it will get more open, and more skateparks will open," he said.

After his win, Horigome said he became interested in skateboard­ing thanks to his father Ryota, who would take him to Ojima-komatsugaw­a Park to skate.

Ryota told reporters his son's accomplish­ment had not yet sunk in.

"This is too great a thing. It just

does not feel real," he told reporters. "His biggest strength is that he skates and has more fun than anyone else."

And the win may have already inspired Japan's future skateboard­ing stars.

Japanese-brazilian 14-year-old Ayumi Yamaguchi-irisu, practising outside Komazawa Skate Park with her younger brother under their mother's watch, called Horigome's feat "amazing".

"I just started skateboard­ing. It made me want to try harder... I started practising ollies today, and I've got the feeling that I succeeded after watching (Horigome) do it."

 ?? AFP/VNA Photos ?? OLD SCHOOL: Fans hope Japan's strict attitude to skateboard­ing will change following Yuto Horigome's win.
AFP/VNA Photos OLD SCHOOL: Fans hope Japan's strict attitude to skateboard­ing will change following Yuto Horigome's win.
 ??  ?? BREAKING NEW GROUND: Nikkan Sports hailed 'a major step for skateboard­ing with Horigome's gold'.
BREAKING NEW GROUND: Nikkan Sports hailed 'a major step for skateboard­ing with Horigome's gold'.

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