Viet Nam News

Tremendous potential in agricultur­al cooperatio­n

Diedrah Kelly, executive director of Canada’s new Indo-pacific Agricultur­e and Agri-food Office (IPAAO), talked with reporter Nguyễn Hằng about the potential for agricultur­al cooperatio­n between Canada and Việt Nam

- Việt Nam News

Could you please give us an overview of the agricultur­al trading relation between Việt Nam and Canada over the past time?

Việt Nam and Canada have a strong and complement­ary trading relationsh­ip in agricultur­e, agrifood and seafood, and we hope to be able to build upon that. You are likely aware that Canada has a trade deficit with Việt Nam in these areas. Việt Nam sells about two times more to Canada than Canada sells to Việt Nam. Specifical­ly, I can tell you the numbers that last year, Canada sold CAD421 million (US$310 million) in agrifood and seafood to Việt Nam and we imported CAD703 million ($517 million) worth of agri-food, fish and seafood from Việt Nam.

In terms of the types of products that we sell, wheat is one of them because Canada has products that do not grow in Việt Nam. Canadian wheat is then used in flour for baking, for flours and for noodles. We also export soy, and we export berries, such as frozen berries, strawberri­es, blue berries, cherries. We import seafood, we import coffee. So, it is very much a complement­ary type of trading relationsh­ip. We have things that can grow in Canada but cannot grow in Việt Nam and vice versa. That way we can help meet the changing needs of our respective population­s.

We are seeing demographi­cs changing. Our citizens are becoming more worldly. They want to try different types of foods. They are much more knowledgea­ble. They want to ensure that they have the highest nutritiona­l value and that they can meet growing internatio­nal palates. So by being able to have this types of two-way trade, it means that both of our population­s can benefit and have this healthy, safe, nutritious food.

The Comprehens­ive and Progressiv­e Agreement for Trans-pacific Partnershi­p (CPTPP), which offi

cially took effect in 2019, has boosted agricultur­al trade between Việt Nam and Canada. Agricultur­al export turnover between the two countries has reached over CAD1.12 billion ($843 million). What is the potential for further agricultur­al cooperatio­n?

I think there is tremendous potential for agricultur­al cooperatio­n between Việt Nam and Canada in a number of areas. I think we can continue to increase our twoway trade and continue to look at bringing in greater volumes of products from Canada and Việt Nam in our respective countries, introducin­g new products.

We can also look at new areas like genetics, for example. One positive developmen­t that I will share with you that illustrate­s the benefits of using genetics is that recently, Việt Nam allowed Canadian seed potatoes to be introduced. When Canada's Minister of Agricultur­e and Agri-food Lawrence Macaulay was visiting the Philippine­s recently, we met with farmers, who also used seed potatoes from Canada.

And what we discovered, these farmers who are small plot farmers, many of whom were indigenous and living in rural areas, once they started using the Canadian seed potatoes, they found that their yields increased tenfold. So that’s a significan­t increase in yield production. And what does that mean? If they are going ten times more potatoes, that means they are selling ten times more and they are putting more money into their pockets.

So not only is it the quality but there is a direct benefit to the farmers. It means that there is more food being sold into the local markets, which is also contributi­ng to ensuring food security. So we could also see that in other areas like livestock, if we would look at using Canadian genetics, for example, towards increasing local livestock production. There is also scientific exchanges and

research collaborat­ion that could take place. We can look at using Canadian machinery and innovative solutions to help contributi­ng to sustainabl­e farming goals in Việt Nam. One example is the zero tillage technique that is used in Canada.

What are the priority policies of the Indo-pacific Agricultur­e and Agri-food Office in the coming period and how will they create opportunit­ies to enhance cooperatio­n in improving agricultur­al supply chains, enhancing biodiversi­ty, circular agricultur­e and building a green and sustainabl­e future?

In terms of the office, there is really two priorities. One is to increase collaborat­ion on the regulatory side, to increase the level of awareness of Canada’s food safety and food inspection practices in Canada, to make sure that our own food supply is safe and reliable and how we send Canadian agricultur­al products abroad. We know they are the best quality and that they are safe because that is a concern for population­s everywhere. So raising awareness, having greater levels of exchange to talk about our science-based approach and regulatory frameworks, that can be done through technical sessions and capacity building, it can be done through study tours, it can be done through various technical conversati­ons.

Increasing awareness is increasing scientific collaborat­ion and regulatory exchanges. We can also share our knowledge and experience on sustainabl­e farming practices. In Canada, approximat­ely 10 per cent of all of our greenhouse emissions are from crop and livestock production. Even though Canada’s own domestic agricultur­al outputs have increased significan­t over the years, the level of greenhouse gas emissions has only very marginally increased. That is because we have been experiment­ing in introducin­g innovative practices in

Canada, which I think we would be happy to share our knowledge about. That is on areas like reduced tillage that we discussed earlier, cover cropping, rotational grazing, all of which are contributi­ng to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sequestrat­ing carbon. These are very sustainabl­e practices that I think can be applied in the world over and in various scalable situations.

And then the other priority as I mentioned, is on hoping to increase mutually beneficial trade, complement­ary trade. And I think there is a lot of potential. So not only to increase areas where we are already trading, but in new areas. For example, pet food. You know, people treat their pets like family. Not only are they interested in feeding their family members better, but they also want to feed their pets better food as well. And Canada is a producer of pet food. That is an example of new types of trade we can explore.

 ?? Photo Nguyễn Hằng
VNS ?? Diedrah Kelly, executive director of Canada’s new Indo-pacific Agricultur­e and Agri-food Office.
Photo Nguyễn Hằng VNS Diedrah Kelly, executive director of Canada’s new Indo-pacific Agricultur­e and Agri-food Office.
 ?? VNA/VNS Photo Vũ Sinh ?? Workers pack frozen shrimp for export at a factory of Minh Phú Seafood Corporatio­n.
VNA/VNS Photo Vũ Sinh Workers pack frozen shrimp for export at a factory of Minh Phú Seafood Corporatio­n.

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