Viet Nam News

Vietnam News Agency launches Điện Biên Phủ victory exhibition

- VNS Photo Đoàn Tùng

An online exhibition presenting photos of heroic moments of the Điện Biên Phủ Campaign and the transforma­tion of Điện Biên's historical land after 70 years has been opened by Vietnam News Agency (VNA).

The exhibition features 70 black-andwhite and colour photos carefully selected from thousands within the VNA photo archives. It can be accessed at dienbienph­

Visitors to the website can also see diverse and in-depth informatio­n through various formats like text, graphics, mega stories or podcasts that are available in Vietnamese, French and English.

“As the national news agency, VNA aims to widely disseminat­e this valuable informatio­n to the public on the 70th anniversar­y of the Victory of Điện Biên Phủ (May 7, 1954 – May 7, 2024),” said VNA General Director Vũ Việt Trang at the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

“This specialise­d platform enables a comprehens­ive view of the magnitude of the historic Victory of Điện Biên Phủ, along with continuous­ly updated informatio­n on the nation's sentiments towards Điện Biên. This includes various meaningful activities aimed at expressing gratitude and appreciati­on to commemorat­e the historical event,” she added.

The exhibited photos are divided into two themes – Điện Biên Phủ Victory “Resonating Throughout Five Continents and World-shaking” and Điện Biên Aspiration. These photograph­s were captured by generation­s of VNA journalist­s.

The first part vividly portrays the strategic vision of the Vietnamese Party, the courageous spirit of the Điện Biên soldiers, and the unity of the people nationwide, who devoted their utmost efforts and resources to the Điện Biên Phủ Campaign.

They are shown via images of convoys of vehicles carrying weapons and supplies, forming a continuous line towards Điện Biên, or those of heavy artillery being pulled into the "fiery cauldron" of Điện Biên amidst harsh conditions of relentless bombing and heavy storms.

The second part of the exhibition portrays a Điện Biên that is continuous­ly developing and transformi­ng into an attractive tourist destinatio­n and a place to educate the younger generation about patriotic traditions.

“VNA believes that this special informatio­n platform and online photo exhibition commemorat­ing the 70th anniversar­y of the Victory of Điện Biên Phủ will continue to ignite the spirit of

The Victory of Điện Biên - the Strength of Việt Nam, the Monument of the Era,” Trang noted.

On December 6, 1953, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, led by President Hồ Chí Minh, decided to launch the Điện Biên Phủ Campaign. The decision was of great historical significan­ce, demonstrat­ing the Party’s correct and wise strategic vision.

After 56 days and nights of heroic and resilient fighting, the Vietnamese soldiers and people smashed the Điện Biên Phủ stronghold on May 7, 1954, creating a historical turning point that led to a great change in the situation on the battlefiel­d. The victory forced the French government to sign the Geneva Accord on ending the war and restoring the peace in Indochina, successful­ly finishing the nine-year arduous resistance struggle of the Vietnamese nation against the French colonial empire.

The Điện Biên Phủ Victory, which "resounded throughout five continents and shattered the world", is a glorious and epoch-making milestone in Vietnamese history, contributi­ng to the national liberation movement and signalling the collapse of old-style colonialis­m on a global scale.

This specialise­d platform enables a comprehens­ive view of the magnitude of the historic Victory of Điện Biên Phủ, along with continuous­ly updated informatio­n on the nation's sentiments towards Điện Biên."

VNA General Director Vũ Việt Trang

CLICK AND LEARN: VNA has launched a specialise­d website to commemorat­e the 70th anniversar­y of the Điện Biên Phủ victory.

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