Viet Nam News

South Korea turning to overseas doctors as strike continues


The government is locked in a protracted stando with the junior doctors, who have refused to return to their hospitals, despite the health ministry o ering last month to scale back proposed medical training reforms for 2025

South Korea will allow foreign doctors to work in its hospitals after a rigorous vetting process, the prime minister said yesterday, as a months-long strike by junior medics shows no sign of resolution.

Thousands stopped working on February 20 to protest government plans to train more doctors, causing chaos in hospitals.

The government, which has already offered some concession­s in a bid to end the standoff, said this week that doctors with foreign medical licenses would be allowed to practice in the country, in a bid to ease service disruption­s.

After the move was announced, the head of the Korean Medical Associatio­n (KMA), Lim Hyuntaek, shared a screenshot of a news report on newly graduated Somali doctors with the comment: "Coming Soon."

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said yesterday the government will make sure to "have a thorough safety system to prevent unqualifie­d doctors (with foreign licences) from treating our people".

The government is locked in a protracted standoff with the junior doctors, who have refused to return to their hospitals, despite the health ministry offering last month to scale back proposed medical training reforms for 2025.

The striking doctors have re

jected the offer, demanding instead that the plan to create more doctors -- which the government says is essential to combat shortages and care for a rapidly ageing population -- be scrapped entirely.

The fight over the government's medical plan is currently before the Seoul High Court, with doctors and medical students seeking to prove it is unnecessar­y, and the health ministry seeking to uphold the government plan.

An administra­tive court has already ruled in the government's favour, and the Seoul High Court is expected to deliver its decision next week, according to South Korea's Yonhap news agency.

 ?? AFP/VNA File Photo ?? Doctors protest against the government’s plan to raise the annual enrolment quota at medical schools, in Seoul, on February 25.
AFP/VNA File Photo Doctors protest against the government’s plan to raise the annual enrolment quota at medical schools, in Seoul, on February 25.

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