Daily Nation Newspaper

MMD chief tells off Sata ‘copycats’


By AARON CHIYANZO MOST of the opposition political party leaders now lack maturity because they want to replicate the robust engagement and tactics that Patriotic Front (PF) founder, Michael Sata exhibited when he was in the opposition. However, MMD secretary-general Raphael Nakacinda has noted that the political players were now exhibiting immaturity in the name of being tough like Mr Sata was when he was in the opposition.

He reiterated that President Sata had a very rare instinct that no opposition leader can grasp and that he knew how to read the times and mood at every given occasion.

Mr Nakacinda pointed out that President Sata knew when to attack, when to criticise government, and when to withdraw.

He alluded that the former republican President’s way of politics was unique and that no political party leader can replicate.

Mr Nakacinda said that the current crop of politician­s had resorted to insults, in the name of replicatin­g President Sata’s approach to politics.

“The current crop of politician­s lack experience and maturity, most of them want to replicate late President Sata’s tactics. But President Sata knew how to read the times and mood at every occasion. He knew when to attack, when and how to criticise the government and when to withdraw,” he said.

Mr Nakacinda charged that the current crop of politician­s was also finding itself in conflict with the law because of wrong timing.

He said that most of the politician­s were pretending to be aggressive in an attempt to copy Mr Sata’s style, adding that Mr Sata was a natural.

Meanwhile, Mr Nakacinda, who together with other senior members of the MMD had been on a mobilisati­on tour across the country said that the party was growing at supersonic speed.

He however warned that he would not tolerate any members who were trying to plant indiscipli­ne in the party.

 ??  ?? Mr Nakacinda
Mr Nakacinda

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