Daily Nation Newspaper

North West UPND13 cadres march for HH



SUPPORTERS of the United Party for National Developmen­t (UPND) yesterday marched from Kyawama market to the town centre in Solwezi after their leader Hakainde Hichilema was acquitted of treason.

This was after the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns entered entered a nolle prosequi.

The supporters sung songs of victory expressing the joy at having their leader back after being incarcerat­ed for about four months for treason.

UPND provincial informatio­n and publicity secretary Adam Sapezo told the Daily Nation in an interview the prosecutio­n had failed to establish a strong case in order to continue with the treason case.

Mr Sapezo said allegation­s by the State that the UPND leader wanted to overthrow the government were unfounded and that is why a nolle had been entered.

He said it was unfair for the state to arrest and detain the UPND leader for a long time for no apparent reason.

"So, such political detentions should come to an end forthwith not only for HH but other political competitor­s, Mr Sapezo said.

He said opposition political parties are just political competitor­s and not enemies adding that they exist in order to provide checks and balances.

Mr Sapezo appealed to the party members in the province to remain strong and united.

Ikelenge Member of Parliament Elijah Muchima said he was excited with the release of the UPND leader, saying he knew that the treason case against him was going to be dropped.

He said there was need to put political difference­s aside and embrace one another.

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