Daily Nation Newspaper

Lusaka’s Misisi residents using plastic bags as toilets


By ANNIE ZULU RESIDENTS of Lusaka’s Misisi Compound have bemoaned the use of plastic bags as latrines by some residents in the area.

They lamented that negligence to construct pit latrines by some residents had made them resort to open defecation with most of them using plastic bags to relieve themselves.

The residents complained the trend could lead to an outbreak of waterborne related diseases.

“Most people here have failed to build pit latrines, and have ended up defecating in plastic bags which are thrown anywhere,” said Chewe Chibuye, one of the residents.

Ms Chibuye reiterated that plastic bags filled with human faecal were all over.

Another resident Towela Longwe, noted that open defecation in the area was becoming a critical issue that needed to be addressed urgently.

She suggested that there was need for government to help residents construct decent toilets to help curb the situation.

“For as long as government does not come to our aid, and help people to build decent toilets, some residents will continue to defecate in plastic bags, which is posing a health risk,” she said.

And John Sitwala of the same township observed that there was need for sensitizat­ion programs on sanitation and hygiene among residents.

He said the problem of open defecation should be a concern of everyone living in the area, saying that it should be the resident’s priority to prevent deaths that might result from lack of hygiene.

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