Daily Nation Newspaper

Defections worry NAREP


By CHIKUMBI KATEBE ZAMBIANS cannot be fooled by the movement of politician­s from one party to another on the pretext that they will bring new ideas to Government, says National Restoratio­n Party national secretary Ezra Ngulube.

Mr Ngulube said NAREP was concerned with the levels of political prostituti­on being exhibited by especially the old politician­s who have been jumping from the ruling party to the opposition parties with the hope of forming next government and to serve in ministeria­l positions.

He said that Zambians had experience­d the same kind of politics from the MMD era where the same people had been jumping from one political party to the other in search of power.

“Zambian will no longer be fooled by old politician­s who just change jerseys to continue being in Government. We will not for such a political leaders,

“Our old politician­s must understand that when the time has come, it doesn’t need them to change political party names to get refreshed, it is time to hang up gloves. Even if he becomes minister again, what difference are they bringing to Government which they didn’t bring when they have fresh energies?” he said.

He explained that it was time for the old folks to leave politics and allow young people to also bring in new ideas on the table to bring developmen­t. Mr Ngulube said most of those defectors had already served this nation as ministers and members of parliament, without anything to point to as their legacy.

He said they had proved to be a danger to themselves as well as the country at large.

Mr Ngulube said that it was for the reason that people such as former informatio­n minister Chishimba Kambwili, former minister for Lusaka Province Obvious Mwaliteta, former Tourism minister Sylvia Masebo and others should realise that time had come for them to hang up their political gloves and leave politics to young people with fresh ideas for the governance of Zambia.

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