Daily Nation Newspaper

I will not relent on corruption war, vows Kambwili


By KALOBWE BWALYA THIEVES are stealing cables and other appliances from newly installed solar street lights in Lusaka resulting in some streets being in the dark.

Lusaka Mayor Wilson Kalumba has since warned that stern action would be taken against anyone caught stealing or vandalisin­g the street lights and other public installati­ons in the city.

Mr Kalumba said the local authority was aware that some people were going round the city stealing cables and other appliances hence plunging some streets into darkness.

In an interview with the Daily Nation, Mr Kalumba charged that the council would not allow acts of sabotage to continue and would ensure culprits were brought to book.

He said the authority was on alert and had since increased the number of security personnel to ensure that vandals were brought to book.

“Yes the council is aware that some people are vandalizin­g the newly installed solar street lights by removing cables. But we are working around the clock to ensure that people behind such acts are arrested and put behind bars,” said Mr Kalumba.

Mr Kalumba warned that culprits would not be treated with kid gloves because they were destroying costly public installati­ons.

He said explained that the solar street lights were for the benefit of the community and wondered why people were destroying them.

The street lights in the capital city were not only meant to beautify the city but for safety reasons too, he said.

“As the local authority we happy to have these street lights in our township because it is a big step towards the developmen­t of the city and will ensure that we deliver because citizens deserve the best,” he observed. By ANNIE ZULU

I WILL not relent and stop talking until the unpreceden­ted theft and corruption in the Edgar Lungu led Government comes to an end, Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kamwili has vowed.

Mr Kambwili who is former Chief Government’s Spokespers­on said he would not be intimidate­d, but would stand up for the truth and the betterment of the Zambian people.

He accused the President Lungu of spearheadi­ng corruption in Government and protecting some corrupt ministers and individual­s in Government.

Mr Kambwili was speaking when he addressed a press briefing at his residency in Lusaka yesterday.

“This crusade against corruption will not end until the unpreceden­ted plunder over our resources by a few people in this government comes to an end. I am extremely disappoint­ed that the Head of State who is supposed to provide leadership is the one protecting corrupt ministers by saying that people are plotting against them by making unsubstant­iated allegation­s,

“If the President believes that these are unsubstant­iated allegation­s, the best he can do is to allow for an independen­t investigat­ion into all the issues that were raised, including the 42 fire engines and the Ndola-Kitwe dual carriagewa­y.

“But President Lungu is involved in this corruption, he is the corruption number one in this Government, that is why he is defending his ministers and he should not even pretend,” Mr Kambwili said.

He indicated that he had reliable informatio­n of how some Government officials were laundering the money they were getting from deals.

“When I was being told this, my heart bled and up to now my heart is still bleeding. I am told they are given cash, when you go to their houses conduct a search you will find money.

“The money they are collecting from the deals it is either they buy vehicles that is why you see most of them have a lot of posh cars at their houses and they are also buying houses, that is how they are cleaning this money, because they can’t keep it in their bank accounts,” He said.

“The people of Zambia must stand up and say enough is enough, you don’t have to wait for 2021,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Kambwili has also accused President Lungu of travelling aimlessly.

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