Daily Nation Newspaper

CONCOURT adjourns eligibilit­y case


HEARING to determine whether a single judge was eligible to preside over an interlocut­ory motion was adjourned by the Constituti­onal Court yesterday.

This is in a matter in which Heritage party leader Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda had asked the Constituti­onal Court to determine whether a single judge was eligible to proceed over an interlocut­ory motion.

The matter in question is where Gen. Miyanda had wanted the court to dismiss a case where Dr Dan Pule and three others want an interpreta­tion of whether President Edgar Lungu can contest the 2021 presidenti­al elections.

In the main matter, four opposition party leaders Daniel Pule of Christian Democratic Party, Zambia Republican Party leader Wright Musoma, Peter Chanda of the New Congress Party and Citizen Democratic Party leader Robert Mwanza sued the Attorney General over the tenure of office and eligibilit­y of President Lungu.

In his summons filed in court, Brig Gen Miyanda, was seeking an order that the orders by a single judge to amend the original originatin­g summons in the main matter and orders of direction given on June 23, be nullified or reviewed in order to set aside or vary the order for directions.

He submitted that the court should instead order that he should be heard by the full bench of the Constituti­onal Court as originally stated by the single judge.

When the matter came up for possible commenceme­nt before a full bench of the Constituti­onal Court headed by Constituti­onal Court president judge Hilda Chibomba, counsel for the four opposition leaders, Bonaventur­e Mutable asked for an adjournmen­t as his clients were not ready to proceed with the matter as they needed more time to file documents in opposition and to respond to Brig Gen Miyanda’s applicatio­n.

Mr Mutale said he was served with the affidavit in support of the applicatio­n to nullify the single judge order for directions but that Mr Miyanda’s applicatio­n was taken as an interlocut­ory applicatio­n which was supposed to be accompanie­d by summons endorsed with a return date.

He further argued that article 129 (2) of the constituti­on stated that the Constituti­onal court shall be constitute­d by a single judge when hearing an interlocut­ory matter.

“We have filed documents in opposition since interlocut­ory documents of this nature under the constituti­onal court act ought to be heard by a single judge,” he said.

And the Attorney General Likando Kalaluka who is the first respondent and the Law Associatio­n of Zambia, the second respondent did not oppose the adjournmen­t.

Meanwhile Brig Gen Miyanda argued that the applicants should have been ready and should have responded in good time since the cause list was showing 30th October, 2017.

Brig Gen Miyanda is the third interested party in which the Law Associatio­n of Zambia and the UPND joined

In her ruling, Justice Chibomba said the arguments were premature as there was already an applicatio­n for an adjournmen­t. The matter was then adjourned

 ??  ?? Brig Gen Miyanda
Brig Gen Miyanda

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