Daily Nation Newspaper

PF founder member calls for tolerance


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) founder member Mubanga Chileshe has called on PF members to exercise restraint, practice tolerance and forbearanc­e towards those with divergent views if the party was to remain attractive. Mr Chileshe said Stone Age politics of intoleranc­e, harassment and violence should be done away as it has the potential to dent the image of the ruling party. He was reacting to alleged harassment of Roan Member of Parliament, Chishimba Kambwili by PF cadres on Saturday who attempted to beat him up during late President Michael Sata’s memorial as police officers whisked him to his car. After the official programme ended, irate cadres are alleged to have hurled insults and showered Mr Kambwili with opaque beer commonly known as “Chibuku Shake-Shake” for being at loggerhead­s with the government. In an interview with the Daily Nation yesterday, Mr Chileshe said a culture of tolerance and respect for one another should be entrenched in the ruling party. Mr Chileshe said members of the ruling party needed to put their heads together and come up with a good strategy to politicall­y deal with Mr Kambwili instead of wasting time using insults and violence. Meanwhile, PF media director Sunday Chanda restated the need for civilised political engagement. Mr Chanda who said no one sent cadres to attack Mr Kambwili, said his party believed in the ideal that Zambians can and must co-exist irrespecti­ve of political difference­s.

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Mr Chanda

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