Daily Nation Newspaper



THE Public Accounts Committee yesterday took to task Ministry of Transport and Communicat­ions Permanent Secretary Misheck Lungu over irregulari­ties in the administra­tion of a $17 million electronic Zambia Transport Informatio­n System at RTSA. Nkana Member of parliament Alexander Chiteme wondered why the system at RTSA had failed two weeks ago when the electronic Zambia Transport Informatio­n System (e-ZamTIS) was in place. Mr Chiteme said there were long queues at RTSA due to the system failure and wondered why 99 percent of the funds had been paid to the supplier when the system had some defects. “The Committee would like to find out that although there is this system at RTSA, the system failed about two to three weeks ago and motorists were made to stand in a queue,” he said. He said motorists had challenges accessing various services and had to spend a lot of time in queues. Mr Lungu said the e-ZamTIS under the contract had a warranty of five years during which the supplier was liable to fix the system and replace the hardware. He however, said the supplier had not adhered to the warranty conditions as he was not easily accessed. The Permanent Secretary said efforts were being made to bring the supplier in the country and to work on the defects. UPND Chavuma MP Victor Lumai said Mr Lungu should not glorify the system as it was proved to be faulty in its present situation. As of July 14, 2017 the supplier had been paid a total sum of $17,701,465 leaving a balance of $ 144,430 in phase one. According to the submission on March 25, 2014 the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) engaged Track Innovation (OTI) Limited OF Israel to design, develop, implement, commission and maintain the electronic Zambia Transport Informatio­n System (e-ZamTIS) at a total sum of $23,768,478 comprising of phase one at $17,701,465 and phase two $6,067,013.

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