Daily Nation Newspaper


…too many acquittals, discharges on delayed cases


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has condemned the criminal justice system in Zambia for issuing nolles, acquittals and discharges on delayed cases that have taken so much time in court while accused persons face punishment before any thorough investigat­ions are done.

Speaking in an interview at the Lusaka Magistrate­s’ Court after Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba’s case of unlawful drilling, Mr Hichilema said dialogue is important to restore the criminal justice system in Zambia as it was full of corrupt practices.

He condemned the rampant issuance of nolles, acquittals and discharges by the courts of law which showed delayed justice on the accused persons.

Meanwhile, the case involving UPND’s vice president Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and 19 others was yesterday discharged after the state filed in an applicatio­n to discharge the matter.

The Lusaka Magistrate­s’ court discontinu­ed the matter in which Mwamba with 19 others are accused of unlawful drilling contrary to the laws of Zambia.

The matter which was scheduled to come up for trial yesterday before principal magistrate Mwaka Mikalile was discontinu­ed after the state made an applicatio­n before the court for the matter to be discontinu­ed.

In a previous matter, resident magistrate Mwaka Mikalile had threatened to revoke bail for one of the accused persons, Natasha Hamusonde in the unlawful drilling case for absenting herself from court.

Magistrate Mikalile discharged the matter after the defence had no objection to the state’s applicatio­n.

“The matter has been discharged as there is no objection from the defense, you’re free to go,” she said.

 ??  ?? Mr Mwamba
Mr Mwamba
 ??  ?? Mr Hichilema
Mr Hichilema

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