Daily Nation Newspaper



Dear Editor, This is exactly the reason many wise and experience­d patriots find Hichilema to be politicall­y a floater sustained by such reckless school yard talk.

Events in Zimbabwe have really excited him when his buddies in Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T), are in distress understand­ing Emmerson Mnangagwa better.

The ZANU-PF factional fight that have resulted in a change of guards within Zanu-PF has nothing to do with liberal opposition politics or hope for democracy in Zimbabwe.

Look, Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) Generals are ZANU-PF political commission­aires serving to preserve ZANU-PF and their own business interests.

Their actions were to preserve ZANU-PF.

Zambia has profession­al defence and security forces that are none partisan.

Just telling Hichilema that change in Zambia will continue to be through the ballot and not military for countless reasons.

So if you are now banking on the military to do you a coronation without elections, brother keep waiting for generation­s?

Mnangagwa is a die-hard UNIPist / ZANU-PF coroneted by ZDF to defend the revolution­ary causes and not promote liberalism.

All is in his statement “Zanu-PF will continue ruling no matter what, while those who oppose it will continue barking”.

“Vanenge vasingadi, vachagara vachingovu­kura, chitima cheZanu PF chichingoi­nda, chichingoi­nda, muchingoto­nga, muchingoto­nga, vachingovu­kura” Senior citizen

 ??  ?? Mr Hichilema
Mr Hichilema
 ??  ?? President Mnangagwa
President Mnangagwa

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