Daily Nation Newspaper

Mukata's co-accused ill


TRIAL involving murder accused Chilanga Member of Parliament Keith Mukata and co-accused Charmaine Musonda failed to take off in the Lusaka High Court yesterday as Musonda was taken in ill and admitted to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).

In this matter, Mukata and Musonda are accused of murdering Namakambwa Kalilkwend­a, a security guard who had been on duty at AKM legal practition­ers, the law firm belonging to Mr Mukata on May 6, 2017.

It was alleged that the deceased was shot dead at the said law firm located in Roads Park, Alex Masala Road. When the matter came up for commenceme­nt of defense, before High Court judge Susan Wanjelani, defense lawyer Willis Muhanga told the court that Musonda was not before court as she was unwell and admitted to UTH.

“We have been informed this morning that Charmaine Musonda is unwell and currently admitted to UTH and is not able to attend court,” he said.

Mr Muhanga went on to say that in line with Article 18 sub article 4 of the Constituti­on of Zambia, it directed that the accused must be present during his or her trial and unless there was consent not to be present which they had not secured.

He said with the provision cited, defense was unable to proceed but rather asked for adjournmen­t to today.

Meanwhile Mukata who was before court informed the court that he was adding Milner Katolo from Milner and Paul legal practition­ers to his defense team.

The accused are being represente­d by state counsel Eric Silwamba as the lead lawyer, Lubinda Linyama and Willis Muhanga and Milner Katolo for Mukata.

The matter comes up today.

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