Daily Nation Newspaper



GOVERNMENT must immediatel­y tighten punishment against perpetrato­rs of Gende- Based Violence (GBV) if Zambia is to eradicate the vice, Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) general secretary Cosmas Mukuka has demanded.

And Mr Mukuka has proposed that Government must increase budgetary alloca tion towards monitoring and eradicatin­g strategies and ensure that GBV measures were having an impact on eliminatin­g the vice.

Speaking at the Solidarity House during the launch of the campaign against workplace Gender-Based Violence, Mr Mukuka said failure to do so would mean Government was condoning the vice and worsening the experience of GBV against women and children in Zam bia.

“It is time our government, our members, our communitie­s and the media played a meaningful role in the eradicatio­n of the scourge of violence against women and children in Zambia,” Mr Mukuka said.

Meanwhile, he said ZCTU was saddened by the high levels of sexual harassment in the workplace, the fear of losing a job by the victims.

“We call on all victims of sexual harassment to speak out in line with our national policy on sexual harassment. We call upon all unions organised under the banner of ZCTU to set up structures that will project workers and union members from sexual harassment in the workplace and in the union,” he said.

And Internatio­nal Labour Organisati­on (ILO) gender coordinato­r Elizabeth Simonda said the campaign launched by ZCTU was too big to be ignored by ILO.

Ms Simonda pledged to give ZCTU full support as they implemente­d their campaign to fight GBV.

“ILO is behind this campaign and we shall support you,” Ms Simonda said.

Meanwhile, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung has observed that data and informatio­n was not enough and uncoordina­ted making it difficult to fight the vice.

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Mr Mukuka

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