Daily Nation Newspaper

Stop it, EIU told


IT is nonsensica­l for any grouping or organisati­on to interfere in the dispensati­on of justice by insinuatin­g that Zambia risks unrest should the Constituti­onal Court decide in favour of President Edgar Lungu’s candidatur­e in the 2021 general elections, says National Union of Public and Private Educators of Zambia executive president Victor Muyumba.

Mr Muyumba said it would be interferin­g with the law to suggest that the Constituti­onal Court ought to deliver their verdict against President Lungu when adjudicati­ng on matters before it.

Mr Muyumba explained that as an ardent supporter of separation of powers among the three arms of Government, the Economic Intelligen­ce Unit (EIU) exhibited its lack of considerat­ion for the people of Zambia when they warned of unrest as though to “pray” for chaos upon the nation. “Any external pressure mounted by disgruntle­d groupings, meant to derail the Constituti­onal Court from interpreti­ng the law fairly in the dispensati­on of justice must be condemned by all well-meaning Zambians. The NUPPEZ leader was commenting on a publicatio­n in the Mast newspaper which suggested that there would be unrest in Zambia should the Constituti­onal Court decide that President Lungu stands eligible to run for another term of office.

He has called on the Constituti­onal Court to rely upon the law in arriving at their judgement, adding that “they should not fear to determine this matter with respect to our Republican Constituti­on.”

He advised the Zambian people to be confident in the legal system.

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