Daily Nation Newspaper



WE cannot continue working with a contractor who does not want to show commitment, Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga has warned Asphalt Road Zambia (ARZ).

Mr. Mushanga, who is also Bwacha Member of Parliament, said ARZ was working on roads in his constituen­cy at a slow pace.

He advised ARZ to deliver to people's expectatio­ns or be replaced because the roads were in a dilapidate­d state and needed urgent attention.

Mr. Mushanga said this when he donated mealie-meal and cooking oil to the aged; and K6, 000 cash to three women clubs in the constituen­cy.

He was disappoint­ed that the contractor decided to go on Christmas holiday, leaving works pending.

“We can't continue working with a contractor who does not want to work, the roads are bad and the pace at which the works are being down is very slow. I am told he has even gone on a Christmas holiday, this shows lack of commitment,” Mr. Mushanga said.

He said it was sad that despite government's effort to empower local contractor­s, most of them were not committed to their work as compared to foreign contractor­s who even worked on holidays.

“Despite government's desire to empower local contractor­s, by giving them 20 per cent of the contracts, we don't see serious commitment coming from them and government is being blamed because of such uncommitte­d contractor­s,” Mr. Mushanga said.

 ??  ?? Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga
Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga

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