Daily Nation Newspaper



ROME - After René Castro-Salazar attended the first U.N.-led climate talks in Berlin in 1985 as Costa Rica’s environmen­t and energy minister, he tried to talk about agricul- ture and climate change - but few wanted to join the conversati­on.

“There was always opposition - and we couldn’t understand why,” said Castro, now assistant director-general at the United Nations’ Food and Agricultur­e Organisati­on (FAO).

To him, the need to tackle the topic was clear.

Agricultur­e, forestry and other land uses together account for nearly a quarter of the greenhouse gas emissions heating up the planet, according to the FAO.

Cutting these is essential if the world is to keep global temperatur­e rise to a manageable level, said Castro.

Farms and forests can also store large amounts of carbon, and simple actions by all countries could result in immediate environmen­tal benefits, he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

In the early years, the climate negotiatio­ns focused on reducing emissions from the energy sector - the largest emitter - while the relationsh­ip between agricultur­e and climate change was not fully understood.

Later on, poor states feared discussing the linkage would result in obligation­s for them to curb emissions from farming. Rich nations worried they would have to pay for poor farmers to adapt to a changing climate.

At November’s climate talks in Bonn, the stalemate was finally broken, with nations agreeing to move forward on issues related to agricultur­e and climate change.

“There is now clearly the political will to see this resolved,” said Margarita Astralaga, director of environmen­t and climate at the Internatio­nal Fund for Agricultur­al Developmen­t (IFAD).

Many hope it will lead to the developmen­t of farming systems that are more resilient to weather extremes and can feed a growing population whose diets are shifting to more meat and dairy, without correspond­ing increases in emissions.

Andy Jarvis, research director at the Colombia-based Internatio­nal Center for Tropical Agricultur­e (CIAT), describes the relationsh­ip between climate and agricultur­e as an “unhappy marriage.”

“(They) are absolutely intertwine­d and completely connected to each other but actually pretty antagonist­ic,” he said, pointing to how crops are battered by climate extremes while farming emissions exacerbate global warming.


Scientists have warned that world temperatur­es are likely to rise by 2 to 4.9 degrees Celsius this century compared with pre-industrial times.

This could lead to dangerous weather patterns - including more frequent and powerful droughts, floods and storms - upping the pressure on agricultur­e.

Curbing climate change will require overhaulin­g the world’s food production and distributi­on system, which is “off the rails,” said Olav Kjørven, chief strategy officer at the Oslo-based EAT Foundation.

Hunger is on the rise, biodiversi­ty is being lost and poor diets now pose a bigger threat to human health than alcohol and tobacco, said Kjørven, a former senior U.N. official.

Educating consumers will be key to changing that, especially in developed economies where there is high consumptio­n of red meat, responsibl­e for more emissions than other types of food, he said. “People vote three times a day for a food system they want, in terms of the food they buy. There is enormous power there,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

EAT has commission­ed scientists to produce a report next spring about what constitute­s a healthy diet in a sustainabl­e food system.

FAO’s Castro said making water usage more efficient - 70 percent of the world’s freshwater goes into agricultur­e - and rehabilita­ting 2 billion hectares of degraded land could deliver quick wins.

Livestock, meanwhile, account for nearly two-thirds of agricultur­al greenhouse gas emissions, but combining trees, crops and animals in “silvopasto­ral” systems can offset some of those emissions and boost the quality of pasture, he added.

In Brazil, a major beef exporter, state agricultur­al research agency Embrapa is testing this practice, he added.

Another challenge is to boost food production without damaging forests, said IFAD’s Astralaga. Agricultur­e is responsibl­e for more than three-quarters of global deforestat­ion, and if the trend continues, about 10 million square km of land will likely be cleared by 2050, she noted.

A 2016 report from the FAO said it would be possible to increase food security while maintainin­g or increasing forest cover, identifyin­g 22 countries - including Gambia, Chile, Tunisia and Vietnam - that have managed to do so.


To duplicate such practices, especially in the developing world, will require sharing of knowledge, experts say.

Yet many nations still lack meteorolog­ical informatio­n that

prove crop and livestock production, said FAO’s Castro.

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