Daily Nation Newspaper

Miles Sampa fumes

…stop creating fake stories


By CHIKUMBI KATEBE THOSE who think they will put a wedge between me and President Edgar Lungu or the Patriotic Front will not succeed in any way, says former Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa.

Mr Sampa said he was aware of moves aimed at building enmity between himself and the family of the late president Michael Sata by cooking up lies about his position on issues of the PF family.

He said all this was meant to alienate him from the Sata legacy and destabilis­e the fresh ties he created between himself and the Edgar Lungu administra­tion.

“Those thinking they can put a wedge between me and the late PF leader President Sata by cooking up lies, are a bit too late.

“In 2015 I played into their lies and reacted to their made up traps to distance me from President Lungu. Even those who think they will put a wedge between me and President Lungu or the Secretary General, will not succeed this time around,” he said.

Mr Sampa was reacting to an online publicatio­n attributed to him insinuatin­g that President Lungu was a better leader than the late President Sata.

Mr Sampa has accused the UPND of being part of the cartel created to alienate him from his political family by the likes of Patrick Mucheleka and party vice president Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba who wanted to capitalise on getting votes loyal to the Sata legacy. He charged that this time around, he would not allow anybody whatsoever to paint an ugly image of him agaisnt the Sata family and PF followers, as well as the current PF leadership or the Bemba support.

“This time around, they can put all the lies they wish on social media to paint me black towards the Sata family or towards President Lungu or towards the Bemba clan, it won’t work as I have developed a thick skin.

“I am steadfast with my loyalty to President Lungu and to the party. I am the last you will hear to attack either President Sata and President Lungu or be used to speak one against the other,” he said. He said there would be no logic in comparing two presidents who led at different times as there would never be a measure of scale to weigh them against each other.

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