Daily Nation Newspaper

Axe shady contractor­s - NGO


By BENNIE MUNDANDO ZAMBIAN contractor­s who have continued to do shoddy works and sometimes abandon projects after they are paid by Government must be deregister­ed to serve as a deterrence to would-be offenders because we cannot afford to be wasting national resources on people who are not serious, the Gallant Youths in Zambia (GYZ) have observed.

Executive director Henry Mulenga yesterday told the Daily Nation that it was sad that colossal amounts of money meant for infrastruc­ture developmen­t in the country was going to waste owing to a jaded mind-set among some local contractor­s who had continued to do shoddy jobs or abandoning works thereby painting a bad picture over the capability of local companies to deliver.

Mr. Mulenga said time to stamp out the scourge among local companies had come and that the only solution to ending that truancy and lack of seriousnes­s was either by blacklisti­ng all erring local companies or de-registerin­g them when they fail to deliver.

He noted that for a long time now, local companies had been complainin­g of not being awarded capital projects by Government as foreign companies were given preference over such mega contracts without realising that there have been some “bad eggs” among themselves who had a laissez-faire attitude towards Government contracts and had been failing to deliver either inadverten­tly or on purpose because no punitive measures had been taken against that.

“There is a growing trend by most Zambian contractor­s who have continued abandoning works for certain contracts awarded to them by Government and this has been going on unabated for a long time. This makes sad reading in the sense that it is taxpayers and cooperatin­g partners’ money being spent and therefore there is more demand for accountabi­lity, thereby bringing Government into ridicule when works are not completed.

“There is need to stiffen punishment so that those found wanting are either blackliste­d or be de-registered so that this acts as a deterrent measure to wouldbe offenders because leaving such a scandal unchecked would mean that we are giving room to a lot of Zambian contractor­s to go scot-free even after doing shoddy works or abandoning projects completely after getting money meant for such,” Mr. Mulenga said.

He called upon Zambians not to leave the watchdog task to Government alone over infrastruc­ture developmen­t in the country but stand up and demand for accountabi­lity from those who are paid to provide a service.

“Every Kwacha that goes into constructi­on should be well-accounted for because these are public funds and we must all demand for total accountabi­lity. It would be naive for any logical Zambian to remain silent when these non-performing companies keep getting contracts which they don’t fulfil at the expense of credible ones which can do credible works.

“For a long time now, most Zambian contractor­s have been crying for recognitio­n over capital projects awarded by Government but it is because of lack of faithfulne­ss among them that we have started doubting their capabiliti­es. If they want to be given preference, they must also demonstrat­e sincerity. We need sanity in the sector,” he said.

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