Daily Nation Newspaper



THE K10, 000 project fee demanded from each pupil by St Marys Secondary school management towards the constructi­on of the K 4 million classroom block is unjustifia­ble and should be reviewed, says National Action for Quality Education in Zambia executive director Aaron Chansa.

Mr Chansa described the project fee by the Catholic school as astronomic­al and mindboggli­ng saying education should not only be a prerequisi­te for the rich.

He said the project fee should be reduced because parents were already faced with many economic challenges such as settling school fees and that the project fee was an unnecessar­y burden.

But Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary Henry Tukombe said the ministry was engaged on the matter and approved K10, 000 as the project fee but advised the Parent Teacher Committee (PTC) and parents to agree on a flexible payment plan.

Mr Tukombe, who was represente­d by ministry spokespers­on Nondo Chilongo said government was aware that certain parents were unable to pay K 10,000 at once hence need for a flexible payment plan.

“That K10, 000 as project fee is astronomic­al and looking at our economy and the many challenges that parents are facing such as school fees and other bills, it is not feasible. As NAQUEZ we urge the school management to reduce the project fee,” Mr Chansa said.

The non-government­al organisati­on said government should re-evaluate the matter saying such a move was defeating its efforts of providing sustainabl­e education to everyone in line with the Seventh National Developmen­t Plan (7NDP).

PTC chairperso­n Mabvuso Sinda said 90 pupils out of the expected 125 grade eight pupils had reported to school and that no pupil had been turned away for non-payment of the project fee expected to be paid this year.

 ??  ?? Henry Tukombe
Henry Tukombe

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