Daily Nation Newspaper



MOSCOW - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been detained by police in Moscow after joining a rally in support of a presidenti­al election boycott.

"I have been detained," Navalny, 41, tweeted (in Russian). "This means nothing," he added, urging his backers to join protests across Russia.

Earlier, police raided his offices in Moscow, reportedly seizing equipment.

Navalny - President Vladimir Putin's most vocal critic - is barred from standing in the 18 March election.

Footage posted on Navalny's Twitter page showed him being wrestled to the ground by policemen during the arrest.

The opposition leader later tweeted: "The detention of one person is meaningles­s if there are many of us. Someone, come and replace me."

Protest rallies were being held in a number of Russian cities. In Moscow and St Petersburg they were not sanctioned by authoritie­s. More than 180 people have so far been detained across the country, reports say.

Earlier yesterday, Russian police raided the property of Navalny's anti-corruption organisati­on in Moscow. A YouTube clip showed a broadcast recording from the office being interrupte­d.

A spokesman for Navalny said the officers used a power tool to break into the office, adding that they said they were investigat­ing a bomb threat.

The demonstrat­ions come after weeks of pressure on Navalny's supporters across Russia, who have faced detentions and had leaflets in support of the rallies confiscate­d. Navalny, who insists he would beat Putin in a fair fight, is barred from running in the ballot over a criminal conviction that he says is politicall­y motivated.

Putin, who refuses to mention Navalny by name, retains a massive approval rating in Russia and is widely expected to win a fourth six-year term in office.

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