Daily Nation Newspaper


- Elliot Tumeo

Dear Editor Chishimba Kambwili has oversteppe­d his boundary of freedom of expression by launching the unbridled virulent insults against President Lungu and his daughter Tasila. His video has gone viral and most people have been angered and revolted by the language he has used.

It is one thing to engage in positive political dialogue and another to launch a personal attack on the President and his family. It is particular­ly tasteless for Kambwili to attack Tasila who has not done anything to provoke him.

IN any country the insults would have been followed with public retributio­n because the President was elected by the people and anybody who insults the President is actually insulting the people that elected him into of- fice.

I have listened to Kambwili so many times and it would appear that his main problem with President Lungu and his special assistant for Press and Public Relations is that they are building.

What is wrong with building, if indeed the two are building?

Kambwili should go further and tell the people the corruption involved in the buildings that the two are undertakin­g. He has boasted of building in Luanshya and Lusaka and nobody has suggested that this was corruption.

His continued of derogatory Bemba sayings against the President is an affront that should be allowed to pass because doing so would be encouragin­g anarchy and lack of respect for an important state institutio­n.

Our politics should be of substance and not for a for venting personal dislikes which have nothing to do with governance. The fact that Kambwili does not like the President does not mean that the entire agrees with him. If anything there are many people who feel very offended by the remarks he has been making to the extent that they feel like taking the law into their own hands to sort him out.

The remarks by Commando speak volumes of the anger that Kambwili is generating and the sooner he realises his folly the better.

Time has also come for all those following him to realise the type of shallow leader that Kambwili is. He is not a man to be relied upon to give cogent leadership.

Lets have clean politics that will develop the country rather than continue o belittle each other and in the process undermine whatever credibilit­y the internatio­nal community the internatio­nal community the internatio­nal community may hold.

 ??  ?? Mr Kambwili
Mr Kambwili

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