Daily Nation Newspaper

HH desire for power is pure pleonexia


Dear Editor, Someone once said: “We can’t control the drunk driver, the freak rainstorm, the dark spot on the mammogram, the plus sign on the pregnancy test (even though you didn’t miss a pill),

This, I think reminds me more of Hakainde Hichilema of UPND who wants power simply because he wants it.

The gluttonous desire for power and its corrupting influence have been dominant in this man for years only now it has reached terrifying levels.

Someone should tell HH that this dangerous impulse for power, perhaps even an animal impulse, will blindly snatch at everything around until it comes up against some external barriers.

But for HH, I think pleonexia should be his new signature.

Pleonexia is a Greek philosophi­cal concept which roughly correspond­s to greed, covetousne­ss, or avarice, and is strictly defined as “the insatiable desire to have what rightfully belongs to others”

This is why HH is scheming day and night to have President Lungu out of State House no matter what it takes.

I wish once again to remind him that it is only Zambians who can remove President Lungu from power because they are the ones who put him there.

So for HH to merely want Lungu out of power is not only day dreaming but ruthless self-seeking and an arrogant assumption that only him politicall­y matters most in Zambia today.

At the rate HH is playing his politics, he is quickly becoming more and more irrelevant to the people.

Perhaps he knows that politicall­y he is washed out and that is more the reason he has taken to ranting and politics of hate.

To President Lungu my message is simple. He should simply ignore his detractors and never stand in the way of lunatics as they march to the political Hades.

Like Jesus once said: “Let the dead bury the dead”. Lungu should not waste time on dead politician­s. He should concentrat­e on delivering on his campaign promises until 2021.

People like HH and even the APC leader Nason Msoni are crybabies in the political wilderness.

It is just a matter of time.

Josiah Soko, Salima Road, Matero

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