Daily Nation Newspaper



A SURVEY conducted by the Tropical Diseases Research Centre (TDRC) has revealed that most miners do not want to disclose that they have Tuberculos­is (TB) for fear of losing jobs.

According to a survey which was conducted on the Copperbelt and North-Western provinces, miners did not want to disclose having contracted TB for fear of losing their jobs because the law does not allow any one with the condition to continue working in the mines. The survey was conducted from July to December last year. TDRC Director Modest Mulenga said the goals of the survey was to improve mine workers, ex-miners and their families through better understand­ing of the extent, and characteri­stics of the domestic mining sector including type of mines and mine workers.

Dr Mulenga was speaking yesterday at Pamo Lodge and Restaurant in Kitwe during the disseminat­ion meeting on preliminar­y findings of the evaluation of TB and HIV services among mine workers and their communitie­s in Zambia.

"Our findings have revealed that we have the ability to deal with TB, but workers in the mines do not disclose that they have TB for fear of losing jobs. They know that, according to the law, anyone who has TB cannot be allowed to continue working in the mines," Dr Mulenga said.

Dr Mulenga said Zambia has the highest number of TB cases in the Southern African region with the Copperbelt having the highest number of cases in the country.

He said data collection targeted mining companies, mine workers , ex-mine workers and health care providers and was using Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) using Qualitativ­e and Quantitati­ve methods.

"It is hoped that findings from this survey will contribute to the National TB/HIV programme and Interventi­ons among the mine workers and ex-mine workers in their communitie­s.

 ??  ?? Miners conceal they have TB for fear of job losses
Miners conceal they have TB for fear of job losses

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