Daily Nation Newspaper

Stop it, ZCTU tells Labour Minister


By NATION REPORTER GOVERNMENT should stop harassing and threatenin­g the labour movement in Zambia with de-registrati­on for their legitimate activities or risk being reported to the Internatio­nal Labour Committee on Applicatio­n of Standards, the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has warned.

And government says it will not hesitate to deregister unions that were not only politicall­y inclined but had also failed to submit audited accounts in line with the Industrial and Labour Relations Act Section 21.

Speaking during the Regional Human and Trade Union Rights preparator­y meeting for the 2018 Internatio­nal Labour conference themed ‘Prioritisi­ng Human and Trade Union Rights’ in Chisamba district yesterday, ZCTU presidentc­told off government to stop threatenin­g the unions with deregistra­tion.

Mr Nkole noted with sadness that government had threatened National Road Sector Agencies and Allied Workers Union of Zambia, Copperbelt University and Allied Workers Union, as well as the Crew and Allied Workers Union of Zambia that represente­d workers at TAZARA with deregistra­tion.

Mr Nkole said the Labour movement was concerned with the current trend where a number of unions had been threatened with deregistra­tion, saying that violates the principles of freedom of associatio­n enshrined in the fundamenta­l convention­s.

“It is not our pleasure to report government to the committee on the applicatio­n of standard regarding violation of Trade union rights. However, we are particular­ly concerned that the current trend where a number of unions have been threatened with deregistra­tion citing various reasons under your administra­tion is unpreceden­ted and is a cause for concern,” Mr Nkole told Minister of Labour and Social Security Joyce-Nonde Simukoko.

Mr Nkole also said there was need for a tripartite dialogue between government and the unions to iron out the misunderst­anding.

Mr Nkole said government should not be antagonist­ic and personal with the unions but amicably engage the union leaders to resolve labour issues.

He observed that lack of meaningful dialogue had led to unnecessar­y suspicions and mistrust between government and the unions.

In response, Ms Nonde- Simukoko who graced the event maintained her warning to unions misapplyin­g workers’ funds saying government will not allow perpetrato­rs that were misapplyin­g funds meant for workers.

She said it was disappoint­ing that some unions had failed to submit audited accounts in line with the Industrial and Labour Relations Act despite being given enough time.

She said her Ministry would not allow the union leaders to exploit their workers adding that all unions should conduct forensic audits failure to which they would be deregister­ed.

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Mr Nkole

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