Daily Nation Newspaper



Dear Editor,

THOSE who have read Boswell’s Life of Johnson, must have come across the familiar quotation in a Latin form, Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat – “those whom God wishes to destroy he first drives mad”.

I think this is spot-on with our UPND which is behaving like birds released from a prison box.

I am referring to the so-called impeachmen­t call of President Edgar Lungu which is outlandish­ly prayed for by the UPND leadership although they know it is a total dud.

They know it too that in the game of politics whether in Parliament or not, it is all about numbers which they do not have, so why point the gun?

And like the greedy hyenas, UPND without an iota of shame, is at the same time pleading for dialogue, dialogue for what and with whom? Total psychosis!

For me, such rapacious appetite for State House by Hakainde Hichilema, the Great Life Leader of UPND, is the worst exhibition of political immaturity.

From deep down his heart (if he has one) he together with his cohorts, knows very well they will fail to change the political landscape in which they want to remove President Lungu from office.

Why are they behaving like spoiled children? They want to have the cake and keep it. No, it does not work like that imwe ba UPND! It is indeed true that the gods first make mad those they want to destroy! Nothing can alter your route to destructio­n because, in my humble opinion, you are political failures.

The same is true of the socalled Oasis Forum which is just a bunch of misdirecte­d agitators bent on pushing their master’s agenda for a few pieces of silver. Who cannot see that?

I have the feeling that members of this forum are mere puppets of UPND whom the gods, likewise are already making mad before destructio­n.

All in all, this political scheming by UPND will nose-dive because President Lungu was duly elected by Zambians in 2016 and it is only the Zambians who can remove him from office in 2021.

There is an African proverb which says ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off.

Josiah Soko,


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