Daily Nation Newspaper



By BUSINESS REPORTER GOVERNMENT will next montK finalise tKe IeasiEilit­y stXdies EeinJ FondXFted at tKe 0SXlXnJX HarEoXr Corporatio­n, Transport and Communicat­ions Minister, Brian 0XsKimEa Kas announced.

Mr Mushimba explained that once the feasibilit­y studies which were being funded by the African Developmen­t Bank (AfDB) were concluded, Government would then begin scouting for funds needed for the modernisat­ion process.

The Minister was speaking in an interview with the daily Nation in Lusaka.

“We had concluded the studies but then we had to recall them because there were certain aspects of the studies that we did not conclude such as the geological studies and studies of the rocks underneath to ensure that when we finish, we tender it while it is exhaustive and comprehens­ive.

“6o we are finishing , think in June incorporat­ing the last part of feasibilit­y then we will look for funding.

TransSort and CommXniFat­ions 0inister Brian 0XsKimEa

, think it will be in the range allow the Harbour to go in the “The intension of Government of US$50 million up to US$70 market and mobilise the funds. is to make ensure that Mpulungu million to cover the scope that “At the end of the day, we Harbour is modernised. we have looked it,” he said. are going to find a path that is ,t has a lot of potential and

He explained that more palatable for Government we want to make sure we realise Government would use Public because we do not want to push this by modernisin­g it,” Mr Private Partnershi­p, loan or it beyond normal. Mushimba said.

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