Daily Nation Newspaper

Gender bias kills 240 000 infant girls in every year


NEW DELHI - Almost a quarter-of-a-million girls younger than fiYe years old die in ,ndia eYery year dXe to neJleFt resXltinJ from society's preference for sons, a gender discrimina­tion study found yesterday.

This was over and above those aborted simply for being female, researcher­s wrote in The Lancet medical journal.

"Gender-based discrimina­tion towards girls doesn't simply prevent them from being born, it may also precipitat­e the death of those who are born," said study co-author Christophe Guilmoto of the Paris Descartes University.

"Gender equity is not only about rights to education, employment or political representa­tion, it is also about care, vaccinatio­n, and nutrition of girls, and ultimately survival."

Guilmoto and a team used population data from 46 countries to calculate how many infant girls would have died in a society where there was no discrimina­tion impact, and how many died in reality.

7he difference, about deaths out of every , girls born between and , was ascribed to the effects of gender bias.

7his amounted to about , deaths per year, or . million over a decade.

"Around 22 percent of the overall mortality burden of females under five in ,ndia is therefore due to gender bias, the ,nternation­al Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), a research institute based in Austria, said in a statement.

The problem was most pronounced in northern India, the researcher­s found, with states Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh, accounting for two-thirds of the excess deaths.

Hardest hit were poor, rural, farming regions with low education levels, high population densities, and high birth rates.

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