Daily Nation Newspaper

PeP is not UPND - Tembo


I am sick and tired of UPND machinatio­ns of trying to force the PEP into being a branch of their party, says Patriots for Economic Progress(PEP) President Sean Tembo. Mr Tembo said it was disappoint­ing that senior members of the UPND had resorted to insulting Mr Tembo and the PEP because they stood on principle and did not support the UPND in everything like other political parties. UPND President Hakainde Hichilema during an interview on Prime TV referred to PEP as hungry hyenas who were sellouts for participat­ing on the ZCID board. He told the Daily Nation that the PEP was not a branch of the UPND and he decided to form PEP after reviewing all the relevant political parties in the country and none of the political parties that existed reflected his vision, principles and values. “I have heard the UPND saying that I should not disagree with them but PEP was establishe­d because I do not agree with what other political parties stand for including the UPND,” Mr Tembo said. He said the extent of the animosity exhibited by the UPND was worrying and it was surprising that the UPND were questionin­g his patriotism to Zambia. Mr Tembo said the position taken by UPND on various national matters was devoid of principle and driven by a desire for short term political capital. “What puzzles us is that when we disagree with the UPND they take it personal and consider us as life enemies and yet we also disagree with the PF almost on a continuous basis, and the PF approach us differentl­y. “The approach of the UPND is that everything that the PF does is bad and that the PF cannot do a single good thing and they want PEP to adopt a similar approach for us to prove we are a “real opposition, ”he said. Mr Tembo said the UPND would not succeed in blackmaili­ng the PEP to adopt their style of politics. “I would not mind if junior members insulted me but I become concerned if senior officials such as Jack Mwiimbu and comrade Vickson Ncube whom I hold in high esteem reduce themselves to use derogatory language on my person,” he said.

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