Daily Nation Newspaper

Africa freedom day, a moment of reflection


By NATION REPORTER A COPPERBELT based senior citizen Cosmos Bwalya says $IUiFan leadeUs shoXld UeÀeFt on their achievemen­ts during the African Freedom Day commemorat­ion as it marked a great milestone in African politics. .

6peaking in a telephone interview, 0r %walya said $frican )reedom Day was very important for all $frican countries including =ambia because it commemorat­ed the struggle of $frican countries.

“$frican )reedom day is an important day in $frican politics because it commemorat­es the struggle of all $frican countries. On this day, we remember the sacrifices that were made by our gallant =ambian men and women who fought for the liberation of their countries.

“7he $frican )reedom Day should also be a day to reÀect on what our $frican leaders have achieved in individual countries in order to think about what they can do for the future of $frica,´ he said. 0r %walya said it was unfortunat­e that most $frican countries still depended on foreign aid despite having attained independen­ce years ago.

+e therefore, advised =ambia to strategise the best to liberalise the economy so that the future generation­s would not be dependent wholly on aid.

0r %walya said the $frican economy was still lagging behind, hence government­s on the continent should re e[amine their economic models to figure out what they were doing wrong.

+e urged $frican leaders to adequately prepare the young ones to attain a highly prosperous $frica as there was too much poverty on the continent.

+e appealed to =ambia to work tirelessly in ensuring that the $frica of tomorrow was different and highly successful.

0r %walya said many $frican freedom fighters lost their lives in order to redeem $frica from foreign hands and hardships, hence, it was for that reason that leaders should work for the prosperity of their countries.

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