Daily Nation Newspaper



ZAMBIA’s first republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda is happy with the efforts by stockholde­rs promoting awareness on the dangers of alcohol abuse and curbing underage drinking.

This came to light when two Zambian Breweries sponsored youth groups namely Chibolya Media Farm and Sotrane Network for Society Transforma­tion commemorat­ed his 94th birthday in Lusaka yesterday.

Dr Kaunda said young people should be in the forefront advocating for the end of alcohol abuse and underage drinking.

“It is amazing and truly One Zambia, One Nation. You are doing something special, something real and something great for Zambia,” Dr Kaunda observed.

Dr Kaunda advised young people to continue playing a big role in striving to be a part of the solution of making a better Zambia.

“You make my 94th year a very proud year. You have given me such strong hope about the future of Zambia, this is a beginning of many things to come.” he said.

And Zambian Breweries corporate affairs director, Ezekiel Sekele, said Dr Kaunda continues to be an inspiratio­n to the nation and does not let his age wane his desire to see Zambia become great. “We commemorat­e Dr Kaunda’s 94th birthday in a special way by bringing together two generation­s that can speak to the continuity of the vision that was began by our fathers,” said Mr Sekele.

 ??  ?? Dr Kenneth Kaunda meets youths from the Zambian Breweries-sponsored SOTRANE group
Dr Kenneth Kaunda meets youths from the Zambian Breweries-sponsored SOTRANE group

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