Daily Nation Newspaper

Observe cleaning day...all business remain closed until 10 hours- Minister


ALL citizens should actively participat­e in the Keep Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy Campaign tomorrow ( Saturday), says Local Government Minister Vincent Mwale.

Mr. Mwale said following the re-launch of the clean campaign on April 28, 2018 by President Edgar Lungu it was a requiremen­t as Government policy that citizens participat­e in the cleaning of their surroundin­gs on the last Saturday of the month.

He told journalist­s in Lusaka yesterday at a press briefing that he expects all citizens to oblige as the police or army would not knock on anyone's door but that the State may put it into law depending on the response.

The minister said all businesses such as shopping malls and all social activities would be put to a halt from 06:00 hours to 10:00 hours in order to facilitate for the exercise.

Mr. Mwale said President Lungu would participat­e in the cleaning exercise and directed all ministers and Members of Parliament to participat­e in the cleaning activities wherever they would be on this day.

“We believe the more than 10 million Zambians will participat­e in the Keep Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy Campaign.

We don't see a situation where we will be knocking on people's doors we believe Zambians will oblige but if this does not work we will put it into law,” he said.

Mr. Mwale said it was important for Zambians to take this cleaning exercise seriously in the wake of the cholera outbreak which claimed more than 100 lives.

He thanked the American Government through the Millennium Challenge Account who have given Zambia $3 million dollars to establish a waste utility firm which would Ee collecting waste.

He said the Seventh Day Adventist Church would carry out the cleaning exercise on Sunday so that their day of worship was not disturbed.

Mr. Mwale said the Ministry of Local Government would continue to inspect public premises to ensure the buildings were kept tidy and free of waste.

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