Daily Nation Newspaper



TRADERS at Ndola’s Old Mushili market are reportedly breathing fire with brimstone over the delayed constructi­on their facility for over two years after the contractor and the area MP got embroiled into difference­s over the pace at which works were moving.

Bwana Mkubwa MP Jonas Chanda on Wednesday said the marketeers were angry at the delayed constructi­on of the new market which had taken over two years without completion, a situation which has led to destructio­n of their commoditie­s by rains and dust.

Dr Chanda complained that repeated engagement­s with the Lusaka-based local contractor, Triple V had proved futile as the contractor allegedly exhibited a negative attitude.

"Initially I used to go to the constructi­on site with the contractor until he stopped picking my calls from Lusaka where he is based just because I took him to task over delayed works and competency issues. Ndola City Council engineers have also complained about the negative attitude of the contractor," Dr Chanda said.

The lawmaker also disclosed that he had been availed with a letter of complaint written by the contractor to the Ndola Town Clerk Wisdom Bwalya, complainin­g about him as MP for making alleged disparagin­g remarks against them.

"I wish to remind Triple V that I represent the poor marketeers and residents of Mushili, not Triple V. If airing the grievances of the poor people is disparagin­g them then so be it. I offer no apologies.

“All I want is to see is completion of the new market without delay so that marketeers can trade in a decent place and feed their families. This is in line with the pro-poor policies of the PF Government," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Chanda revealed that over a week ago, he met with Minister of Local Government Vincent Mwale and his director Nkumbu Siame to present the frustratio­ns of the marketeers at the delayed market constructi­on.

"At the meeting, I recommende­d to the Ministry of Local Government to terminate the contract with this Lusaka-based contractor Triple V based on performanc­e, and award it to a competent locally based-contractor. I am still waiting to hear from them on the way forward," he said.

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