Daily Nation Newspaper


AS Zambians living in Ethiopia, we welcome President Edgar Lungu’s initiative to relaunch the Keep Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy Campaign, Associatio­n of Zambians living in Ethiopia, (AZE) Chairperso­n Jack Zulu has said.


Dr Zulu said with the campaign enforced, street vendors should trade in designated places to ensure hygiene while generating revenue’s for government through levies. Dr Zulu said the sustainabi­lity of the campaign was important adding that it could be done through attitude change among citizens, strengthen­ing of institutio­ns such as the councils and implementi­ng laws to deter would-be offenders. He said this after holding an AZE quarterly meeting in Ethiopia on Monday. “Zambia has in the past been in the internatio­nal media for wrong reasons, such as the outbreak of Cholera associated with poor water and sanitation. We are hopeful that this wrong picture will be reversed and erased as the campaign progresses,” Dr Zulu said. He added that laws must be stiffened and strongly enforced in line with the spirit of the campaign. “Councillor­s play a critical role in ensuring that communitie­s are mobilised and informed of all programmes that the government initiates, therefore ward developmen­t committees that existed in the past must be revived,” he said. Dr Zulu also said it was important that Zambia started to manage the use of plastics adding that it was time for the country to move towards replacing plastics with environmen­tally friendly materials. This is contained in a statement made available to Daily Nation by the office of the first secretary for press.

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