Daily Nation Newspaper



THAT the gap between the Patriotic Front (PF) and the United Party for National Developmen­t (UPND) has narrowed on dialogue, gives hope to the nation that indeed reconcilia­tion is in the offing. It is pleasing that both parties have foregone preconditi­ons and are intent on getting to the round-table. However, it will be prudent for UPND, PF and other stakeholde­rs to forestall any fresh acrimony. The back tracking on either side would be uncalled. They should maintain an affable tone as they speak about dialogue and also take a step forward towards preparator­y work under their respective offices of their Secretarie­s General. Perhaps, stakeholde­rs now need to agree and spell out what roles Zambia Centre for Inter-Party Dialogue (ZCID) and the church would play. 3erhaps, the two selected bodies could co-chair. If this is the only way to get the opposing parties to meet, then it is worth considerat­ion. It seems now that he Commonweal­th will play an observer role after UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema proposed that the Church should chair the talks. At this stage, politician­s and stakeholde­r groups should desist from issuing hot-air media statements that have the potential to scuttle the process. In fact, political leaders in the lower echelons should not get to ant-hills to scream blue murder against members in the opposite camps about dialogue or any other subject. It is time to embrace humility in all political discourse, lest the tide is disturbed again. All political players must realise that getting to the round-table is not a contest, but a process to thrash out misunderst­andings and set the tone for political healing. There are so many matters that are lingering and if they remain hanging, political intoleranc­e and violence will continue. nemesis explodes. Therefore, to reconcile this is before an opportune tension in time the political for political space Head Raila Yes, Odinga of reference State ceased Uhuru has hostilitie­s. been Kenyatta made and to Kenya opposition where leader the pledged The two total leaders commitment magnanimou­sly to peace and reconciled developmen­t. and demonstrat­e In the same that vein, truly political they are leaders committed in Zambia to dialogue. must Dialogue will present a pleasant opportunit­y to address issues pertaining to the Republican Constituti­on, Public Order Act, Electoral Act and the electoral process. All the while, politician­s have engaged in the war of words and in some extreme cases, red-hot insults. For once, economic and social developmen­t should dominate political discourse among leaders of varying inclinatio­ns. Politician­s in the ruling and opposition parties must be able to demonstrat­e publicly that they can exchange ideas about national developmen­t without any tinge of resentment. We are aware though that politician­s from both sides of the divide speak civility away from public glare. Alas, when they get to the public podium, especially with cameras zooming in front, they adjust the tone to portray that they can never meet eye-to-eye when in fact the opposite is true. Zambians are yearning to witness UPND and PF and another interested leaders share a platform to articulate various issues affecting the nation in a sober and respectful manner. It will be interestin­g and uniting for opposition and ruling party leaders to regularly exchange economic innovation­s collective­ly. They will certainly be sowing a seed of peace and unity to stand a test of time. Indeed, political healing is in the offing.

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