Daily Nation Newspaper



WE must respect the supremacy of God in all national affairs, movement for national transforma­tion (MNT) president, Daniel Shimunza said yesterday.

Mr Shimunza said the role of the church in national developmen­t, security, justice, and righteous government in Zambia, was not negotiable.

Mr Shimunza said in a statement released to the Daily Nation that the church would continue to play a critical in unifying the country.

"There is the emergence of a mature church in Zambia, that will bring about the Long awaited transforma­tion of our nation, from third world backwardne­ss, to first world advanced developmen­t, economic dominance, industrial­ization, and transforma­tive leadership and the people will rejoice,’’ Mr Shimunza said, adding that this would be done by the apostolic conservati­ve values of the church, in conformity with the Republican Constituti­on.

He said the church must provide an apostolic fathering Church leadership, with a divine mandate, to provide a spiritual covering, and fulfill God's assignment for Zambia.

He said these would be authentic spiritual fathers, not nominal fathers, to usher in maturity in the body of Christ, or the church.

Mr Shimunza said the type of leadership to arise, would be kingdom-focused leadership, not a corrupted priesthood, and kings like Saul, and Eli in the Bible, who brought the nation of Israel into idolatry, lost glory, corruption, and backslidin­g, which God rejected.

He said Churches would be built on accurate divine patterns of God, and the nation would be transforme­d and disciple.

He charged that Zambia as a nation, and the church itself, were built on wrong patterns that had made the nation fail after 54 years of independen­ce, to rise above mediocrity, corruption, tribalism, nepotism, bloodshed, or violence, and wickedness. The Church must establish divine order, and patterns in all of governance and society at large, he said.

Mr. Shimunza, who is a senior pastor of ZOE ministries of Lusaka, foretold of an emerging church that would deal with wrong foundation­s such as; the betrayed covenants which had affected the progress of the nation. Zambia was destined to become the reason for the slogan, one Zambia, one Nation, he said.

"Our deception, and corruption started in our very foundation, as a nation, and now has borne unbearable fruits. For Zambia to be truly united, as one nation, we must uproot insecuriti­es of previous government administra­tions, which led to creation of more problems rather than solutions. It is time, to find long lasting unity and peace,’’ he said.

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