Daily Nation Newspaper

‘Lungu’s expose’ on opposition schemes eye opener for probe’


REVEALATIO­NS by President Edgar Lungu that some rowdy opposition members were plotting to use violence in the 2021 general elections should activate investigat­ive wings to move in before it is too late, Chief Chikwanda of Mpika has said.

And the traditiona­l leader warned that he would be forced to demand for the removal of some senior public officials if people did not seem to be doing their jobs.

Chief Chikwanda said that such revelation­s by the Head of State should trigger action without waiting for directives.

Chief Chikwanda told the Daily Nation yesterday that it was worrying and dishearten­ing that some politician­s he described as those with disgusting appetite were planning to plunger a nation enjoying peace into turmoil.

Chief Chikwanda reiterated that Zambia had enjoyed peace since independen­ce adding that it was unfortunat­e that some people wanted to take it for granted.

“Such revelation­s should trigger quick action, those who have been mandated should start investigat­ing without waiting to be told. The President receives informatio­n from different sources, so revelation­s of people plotting violence should quickly be looked into,” he said.

And Chief Chikwanda warned that he would be forced to demand for the removal of some senior officials if they seemed to have neglected their duties. He said that there was no need to keep people in office who were not executing their duties to the expectatio­ns of Zambians “They shouldn’t make us start demanding their removal from public office. Some people want to be told what to do, we can’t have such people in public office,” said Chief Chikwanda.

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