Daily Nation Newspaper

MMD revives CB structures


THE MMD has set the tone for revival on the Copperbelt after a series of successful and well-attended meetings with president Felix Mutati, party youths have said.

MMD youths led by Edmond Miti said the former ruling party was set for revival because structures in all the districts on the Copperbelt were intact and rejuvenate­d.

Mr Miti said in an interview with the Daily Nation in Kitwe that the party had been holding a series of meetings in various districts with party members sacrificin­g for the revival of the former ruling party.

“We have been holding meetings on the Copperbelt and these meetings are setting the tone for the revival of our party. Yes, setting the tone for the revival of the MMD because we have held successful and well-attended meetings.

When asked to comment on allegation­s by Copperbelt MMD Youth Chairperso­n from another faction Patrick Bunji that Mr Mutati was hiring unemployed youths from the streets, Mr Miti said it was a waste of time responding to ‘hired guns’ who want to fight the MMD leader.

Mr Bunji in a statement circulated more than two days ago, said that Mr Mutati was hiring unemployed youths from the streets to masquerade as MMD members on the Copperbelt.

But Mr Miti said he would not respond to Bunji because he was aware that he had been hired by Nevers Mumba faction to discredit Mr Mutati using the UPND controlled on-line media.

He said the MMD, unlike some other opposition political parties, would always uphold principles of democracy and respect those in Government, while providing checks and balances.

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