Daily Nation Newspaper

HH lies exposed


THE failure by Hakainde Hichilema to apologise despite failing to produce evidence of his alleged assassinat­ion attempt is a sign he does not mean well for the country, PF deputy media director Antonio Mwanza has said.

THE failure by Hakainde Hichilema to apologise despite failing to produce evidence of his alleged assassinat­ion attempt is a sign he does not mean well for the country, PF deputy media director Antonio Mwanza has said.

And the Economics Associatio­n of Zambia has accused Anglo-American of funding Dr. Greg Mills, the Head of the Brenthurst Foundation and using him as a front to advance ill agendas aimed at discrediti­ng Zambia and other African nations in achieving selfish objectives.

Mr Mwanza accused Mr Hichilema of being behind the fake news about the country’s economic situation following revelation­s that fake news was being peddled by Anglo America linked media institutio­ns

He said that links between the UPND leader, Mr Hichilema and Anglo America were well known and that it was no surprise that the said media were peddling lies about the nation.

Mr Mwanza said that the fact that Mr Hichilema failed to take responsibi­lity over the assassinat­ion claims was a sign that he could not be trusted.

He said that Mr Hichilema failed to bring forward any person who was hit by the bullets he claimed were fired in Sesheke during campaigns for the just ended parliament­ary elections.

Mr Mwanza said Mr Hichilema should have been bold enough to give the evidence to the police on the matter if his claims were true.

“Such leaders cannot be entrusted to govern the country and it is not a coincidenc­e that foreign organisati­ons with links to UPND are the ones funding media institutio­ns spreading falsehoods about Zambia,” he said.

And EAZ reportedly said it was more than convinced that Dr. Greg Mills intention was to cause asset sell off pressure that should force Zambian authoritie­s to resort to realizing its stake in the mines which whoever was funding him had keen interest in.

Reacting to his article entitled “Avoiding debt default and turning Zambia around, Associatio­n deputy national secretary Rita Mkandawire said such reporting was inconsiste­nt with what the Brenthurst foundation believes its mandate is to seek ways of funding Africa developmen­t.

Ms Mkandawire said the EAZ Board found it sad that, instead of focusing on the macroecono­mic challenges such as a consequenc­e of rolling black outs, corruption and highly politicall­y volatile environmen­t in South Africa, Dr. Mills had opted to immaturely misreprese­nt facts in a country which he had not even resided in.

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