Daily Nation Newspaper



THE nation is still waiting for United Party for National Developmen­t (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema to produce evidence to prove his claims that President Lungu wanted to assassinat­e him during the by-elections in Sesheke. It is now almost a month since he made the serious allegation­s against the Head of State and up to now, he and his opposition alliance partners have not produced an iota of evidence to justify the widely-publicised allegation­s. Mr Hichilema has failed to bring forward any person who was hit by the bullets he claimed were fired during campaigns for the February 12 Sesheke parliament­ary by- elections. Surely, if bullets were indeed fired as Mr Hichilema claims, someone must have sustained bullet wounds or injured. But no-one has come forward, thus, far. Yet Mr Hichilema and his alliance partners have the audacity to inform the nation and the world that they will take President Lungu to the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC) over the alleged assassinat­ion attempt. The nation is aware that this is not the first time Mr Hichilema has made such allegation­s against the President and the Government. Apparently, he has not produced evidence in all his claims including the controvers­ial Mongu Presidenti­al motorcade saga which led to his incarcerat­ion. However, if indeed the UPND leader has solid evidence that an attempt on his life was made in Sesheke, why is he delaying to present his evidence to the police and other wings of Government for further action? But no, as is the Hichilema and UPND style, he and his cohorts just want the ICC to probe and prosecute those he perceives want to eliminate him, without exhausting the local justice system. Unless, they produce concrete evidence of the assassinat­ion allegation­s, the best the UPND leader can do is to apologise to the President and the nation. We, therefore, can’t help but agree with PF deputy media director Antonio Mwanza that the fact that the UPND leader has failed to take responsibi­lity over his claims, has created doubts in the minds of citizens as to whether he could be trusted as a leader. For any person aspiring to become the President of this country, it is only proper that he owns up for his allegation­s or people have no reason to trust him to lead the nation. Leaders, more so those vying to occupy the highest office in the land should be trustworth­y and of great integrity to earn the confidence and respect of citizens as opposed to using underhand political gimmicks to woo sympathy from the electorate. Running to the internatio­nal community for sympathy and to discredit government is not the best way to win the electorate over. The best is to focus on issue-based politics where polices that will develop the country and uplift the lives of people are propounded. So for as long as the UPND continues rushing to cry to the internatio­nal community, people will continue doubting the party and that it is behind the peddling of misinforma­tion against the nation through foreign media as Mr Mwanza has stated. Engaging in a competitio­n of good governance ideas and not lies is the panacea to winning elections instead of making wild allegation­s, whining and forever discrediti­ng the ruling government in foreign media. Simply put Mr Hichilema should prove his assassinat­ion allegation­s or apologize to the President and the nation, enough is enough.

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