Daily Nation Newspaper

Celebrate Easter responsibl­y


Dear Editor, from all over the world and Zambia in particular are celebratin­g Easter.

The Easter period runs from Friday April 19, 2019 to Monday April 22, 2019.

Easter is the period during which Christians reflect on the suffering, death and resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ, our personal saviour.

Jesus Christ, the son of the living God suffered, killed and crucified on the cross to bear our transgress­ions or rather sins. Christ’s death on the cross is significan­t and a big price he paid for us so that we can be redeemed.

It is therefore imperative that we should deeply reflect on the suffering Christ endured on earth prior to his death.

However, it is one thing to celebrate Easter and another to celebrate it responsibl­y.

It is a well-establishe­d fact that some people will celebrate Easter by going to church, congregate with others and worship. People should also repent of their sins. This is the right way of celebratin­g Easter.

Other people will celebrate Easter by indulging in vices such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, criminal activities and illicit sex among other vices. The youth are the major culprits as for them, it is merry making as usual though in a reckless manner. The dire consequenc­es of these illicit activities are death, fatal accidents as some people will be driving under the influence of alcohol and contractin­g of the sexually transmitte­d diseases (STDs) including HIV and AIDS. To avert these consequenc­es from occurring, there is need for the police to intensify patrols in a bid to arresting those exhibiting high levels of lawlessnes­s. In conclusion, this is not the first time people celebrate Easter neither the last one. It is incumbent upon every person to celebrate the Easter occasion in a responsibl­e manner.

The death and resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ is the main reason of celebratin­g Easter. ELEMIYA PHIRI, Lusaka.

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