Daily Nation Newspaper



THE UPND top leadership of Hakainde Hichilema (HH), has suspended it’s Vice-President for administra­tion, Mr Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM following a

vote of no confidence passed against him for alleged gross misconduct.

And Mr Mwamba has however said he will decide his fate in the opposition party next week after the Easter holidays. “I will decide my fate as United Party for National Developmen­t member next week,” party vice president for administra­tion Mr Mwamba has said. Party spokespers­on, Charles Kakoma, confirmed the decision which was made at the National Management Committee (NMC) meeting held at the secretaria­t in Lusaka yesterday. The committee has Mr Mwamba to exculpate

All I want to do is to respect this holy period because I am Catholic. So after this period, they will know my fate in the party. - Mwamba

himself within seven days during which period he would remain suspended and will not be allowed to perform any party functions. However, Mr Mwamba’s suspension has attracted a sharp reaction from Copperbelt Province-based UPND youths who have threatened to resign with him if the decision is not immediatel­y rescinded. And Mr Mwamba told the Daily Nation in an interview yesterday, that his decision to be announced would be final. He said, “I know whatever is happening in the UPND and the insults which were showered on me by National Youth chairperso­n, Gilbert Liswaniso. Mr Mwamba said he was aware that the press briefing which was held by youths at the UPND Secretaria­t had the blessings of the opposition party leadership. Mr Mwamba said that he would make the decision following calls by Lusaka-based youths to resign from the party as his services were no longer needed. “I am aware of whatever the youth, led by Liswaniso, said. I have received videos where he was daring me to resign,” said Mr Mwamba. “But let me make it clear that I will make my decision on the matter next week. The decision I will make will be final,” he said. “All I want to do is to respect this holy period because I am Catholic. So after this period, they will know my fate in the party,” Mr Mwamba said. UPND youths have given their leaders a 24-hour ultimatum to discipline Mr Mwamba, for allegedly insulting the secretary general, Stephen Katuka, or face unspecifie­d action. And former UPND member, Major Richard Kachingwe, has dared the UPND to expel Mr. Mwamba if they wanted to be a shell of a political party without any following, especially in the northern half of the country as he and Mr. Mwamba would go flat out to de-campaign them. “We are giving the national management committee a 24-hour ultimatum to discipline our vice president Geoffrey Mwamba because no individual is bigger than the party,” UPND youths have demanded. Speaking during a press briefing in Lusaka on Friday, UPND National Deputy Youth chairperso­n, Gilbert Liswaniso, said the door was open for GBM to leave if he thought he was untouchabl­e as it was wrong for him to insult other leaders in public.

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Mr Hichilema Mr Mwamba

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